As I was praying this morning, the Lord spoke this to me for someone specific. The Lord is removing you from calamity. The Lord is picking you up and reseting you in a new place. A green valley. A place of peace. He is making the Valley of Achor a door of Hope. You can […]

When God gives us a new thing, it starts as a seed. If you’ve ever tried to grow a plant from seed you know how slow the process can be. Imagine a seed buried deep in the soil, with the gardener or farmer towering overhead each day, watching and waiting for any new signs of […]

© 2023 The Gritfull Life

The Gritfull Life

" I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
-Isaiah 6:8

© 2023 The Gritfull Life