Grass Roots

“Grass roots” are the words I heard this morning while in prayer. I quickly jotted it down and returned to prayer, but afterwards, the Lord called my attention back to the words.

Grass roots is the most basic or fundamental level of an activity; the common or ordinary people, especially as contrasted with the leadership or elite of a political party, social organization, etc.

Grass roots grow 6-8 inches below the surface of the ground, and there are variances to the depth of certain types of grasses, i.e., shallow roots, well-rooted depth, etc.

We can have shallow faith that is able to be uprooted or choked out by the various weeds of life. Or we can have the kind of faith that starts a supernatural move of God in the earth for such a time as this. A supernatural grassroots movement. IF we’re willing to be patient with the rooting process.

Robert Longley says, “A grassroots movement is an organized effort undertaken by groups of individuals in a given geographic area to bring about changes in social policy or influence an outcome, often of a political issue. By harnessing spontaneous support at local levels to bring about policy changes at local, regional, national, or international levels, grassroots movements are considered bottom-up, rather than top-down efforts—much in the way grass grows” (

If you’ve ever tried to grow anything from seed, you know how tender and vulnerable the initial phase of growth can be. I’d go as far as to say, if you tried growing something from seed without doing your initial research about what you’re attempting to grow, you’d probably make a mess of it. But, if we are careful to nurture and prime the seed, place it in the right soil, the right lighting, etc., groundbreaking movements are assured.

The same can be said of new movements birthed in intercessory prayer (seed research!). Ideas are seed that must be taken to the Father for His revelation, understanding, and strategy. For blueprints. I personally believe there are times where He’ll give an idea in seed form but then He’ll walk your heart through a process of fertilizing and preparation to make you ready for the seed you’re carrying. IF you’ll let him and not attempt to control His plan or His timing. He’ll uproot the ulterior motives that may be hiding in your heart. He’ll prune your flesh so that your environment is ready to hold the new life, the new calling He’s mantled you for. Then, and only then, the little tiny root of the new thing bursts forth to drive itself into the depths of the soil. And now you’ve got a seedling to care for.

The roots have to grow first.

Why? A beautiful stalk with a beautiful bud of a flower is just surface beauty without a deep root supporting it for nutrients, structure, and support. Does beauty hold up against the elements? Imagine the beautiful flower in crazy winds. If it not properly rooted, the wind will destroy the plant. The same goes for you and me here, and I think you get the idea.

God’s word says in 1 Peter 1:24-25
“All flesh is like grass,
And all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
And the flower falls off,
But the word of the Lord endures forever.”
And this is the word which was preached to you.

What you birth in the flesh will be your responsibility to grow and maintain in your flesh. God’s word says here, flesh is like grass that withers. The word of the Lord endures forever. What is born of the Spirit of God is eternal.

The Lord spoke this to me for someone this morning during prayer:

I still forgive you. I forgive you for the times you try to control and call it proacting. I forgive you when you manipulate out of fear. I know you don’t want your apple cart disrupted. But what you attempt to control you will be responsibility to maintain. When you choose to surrender those things to Me, I will give you so much more. An abundant life- abundant in Me. In your relationships. In love. In authenticity.

You can choose to live life in what you call color, but you’re living in blacks, whites, and greys. Or you can come into My kingdom and experience My goodness with all of your senses. Only 1 way is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The other way is just your way.

There are people in this hour who believe that they are putting down roots in good soil, but it is a work of the flesh that will wither and die. There are those who don’t want their plans (their apple carts) interrupted by God. The Lord is calling them to step out of living life in black and white and step into living a life of color. As I type this I see an old-fashioned black and white tv with a hand that comes to change the dial to color. Kingdom-vision.

There is seed for the move that God wants to do in the earth. Will you be the grass that fades or will you be part of his grass roots movement?

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