After wandering for 40 years in the desert, a new generation is ready to enter Canaan. But first, God prepares both Joshua and the nation by teaching them the importance of courageous and consistent faith. Once courageous and consistent faith has been established, the nation miraculously crosses the Jordan River to begin the long-awaited conquest […]

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? Just like today there are many times when my schedule gets a little out of hand, and I have to remind myself to rule over the day before the day rules over me. There are also a lot of things that I believe the Lord has spoken […]

There are times where I question starting this blog, the name of the blog itself, and the continual pursuit of publishing what the Lord is speaking to me. When I chose the name The Gritfull Life, my pastor, Keith Craft had done a series called Gritfull, and it reminded me of something my granny used […]

You know that tightness in your chest? Like you can’t catch a deep, cleansing breath? Sometimes as a wife, mother, entrepreneur, I have 80 browser tabs open inside my head at once. Mentally, I’m shifting and rearranging the most important tabs to the front all throughout the day. And when I get tired, I usually […]

Jesus, your ways are incomparable. Your thoughts are unattainable. Your gifts are unimaginable. Your hope is unforgettable. You mend the broken things. Broken people. You raise the unlikely, the unseen, the unloved. You elevate your chosen to greater authority with greater purpose, for your glory. You illuminate the path of the righteous so that their […]

I don’t know about you but I don’t recognize this world anymore. Some say we’re getting better. Some say it’s worse. I was watching the 80’s Top Tens on Disney+ last night and began to travel back in my mind to my personal memories of growing up in the eighties. As I watched, tears filled […]

A word from the Lord “Everything is going to be alright. I am the Lord of the details of your life. You have my divine favor. You are my treasure. I paid the ultimate price for you.” Scripture “Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession” (Zechariah 2:8).

My pastor Keith A. Craft (Elevate Life Church in Frisco, Texas) shared this one Sunday, and I’m sharing it here because it’s in alignment with what it means to live a Gritfull Life. When I first heard this, I thought truer words were never spoken. It’s easy to get into the short-sighted game of comparison […]

© 2023 The Gritfull Life

The Gritfull Life

" I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
-Isaiah 6:8

© 2023 The Gritfull Life