Jachin & Boaz

My office is sort of like my war room. I put words and descriptions of visions up on my walls to surround myself with VISION for what the Lord is saying to me and the promises He’s made. I am surrounded by words of life, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. This morning, as I was sitting here, I looked up at the word BOAZ on one wall, and the word JACHIN on the other wall, and the Lord began to speak.

“I am enabling you to run faster than you thought in this season. My Spirit will be the wind that gives you lift needed to see from a place you have not before.

When you see from My vantage point you will have the advantage. It’s time for enlargement. Stretch out your tent pegs because what you’re carrying is big, and you know it!

Observe. Wait. Listen. Wisdom comes from time spent in My presence. In My Word. Wait in My Presence for me to speak- I will show you great and mighty things.

It takes strategy to take the land.

It will not be by sword or strength that you take the land promised to you. It will be by the revelation of My Spirit. I will reveal what is concealed. Your victory is found in Me.”

Boaz and Jachin

I need to tell you about Solomon’s temple and the significance of Boaz and Jachin. The Lord gave the names of these two pillars in the account of Solomon’s construction of the Temple found in 1 Kings 7. The passage details:

“He (a man named Huram from the tribe of Naphtali who was highly skilled in craftsmanship with bronze) case two bronze pillars, each 18 cubits high and 12 cubits around (6 feet thick by 27 feet tall) by line. He also made two capitals of cast bronze to set on the tops of the pillars; each capital was 5 cubits high. A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top of the pillars, seven for each capital. He made pomegranates in two ros encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of the pillars. He did the same for each capital. The capitals on top of the pillars in the portico were in the shape of lilies, four cubits high. On the capitals of both pillars, above the bowl-shaped part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows all around. He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple. The pillar to the south he name Jakin, and the one to the north, Boaz. The capitals on the top were in the shape of lilies. And so the work on the pillars was completed (1 Kings 7: 13-22).

Jachin: God will establish you.

Boaz: You will be established in strength.

Pomegranates + Lilies

If you know me, you know I’m very curious and full of questions, so I went searching for the significance around pomegranates and lilies.

Symbolically, the pomegranate tree and its fruit represent the Temple of God, fertility and fruitfulness.

In early times the pomegranate was a sacred plant and as a symbol of fertility or fruitfulness due to the large number of seeds. Early Christians believed that the pomegranate tree was the “tree of life” in the garden of Eden and later it became the symbol of eternal life in their art. The pomegranate was used as an ornament on the walls of the Jewish temple at Capernaum in which Jesus preached and, you still see pomegranate adornments in Christian Churches today as a symbol of the eternal life given to us through Jesus Christ.

In the words of the prophet Hosea, the lily became the flower symbol of Israel: “I will be like the dew for Israel; he shall blossom like the lily” (Hosea 14, 6).

The lily work covered the upper cubits of the capitals. He set up the pillars in the Holy Place. The right pillar was called Jachin and the left Boaz. Solomon desired that God would give the Temple both strength and endurance, and the pillars are symbolic of stability and strength. These two elements which are not found in the Temple as an outward structure alone, but the Kingdom of God in Israel as embodied in the Temple received from the Lord, who had chosen the Temple to be His dwelling place in the midst of His people.

You Will Run Faster In This Season

This word starts with being rooted and established in a relationship with Jesus. If you don’t have that faithful relationship, start today. As with any relationship, it’s bi-directional. You listen, and then you speak. You speak, then you listen. Some believers haven’t learned that God wants to speak to them directly. Filtering through the world’s voice, the enemy’s voice, and the still small voice of God takes discipline and practice, but when you hear him speak, you won’t ever want to leave his presence.

I liken it to spending an eternity in a moment. His word is eternal and his voice has an eternal tone. There are so many times I have asked that he would stop time for me so that I could just sit in his presence. And it’s on the days where I’m over-committed and over-extended, that if I’ll just make time to meet with him, he *somehow* works everything else out. I can’t explain it, he just does.

This is going to be a season that’s going to require a lot of your attention and grit, but if you try do it without God, you’ll fail. Why? Because you need him to reveal each and every step; each and every alignment; the specific strategy that will make the thing he’s calling you to take flight.

The Vantage Point of The Holy Spirit

A vantage point is defined as a place or position that allows for a good view of something. God is saying today that when we see from his place/ his perspective, we will have a divine advantage (favorable position) to accomplish our God-given assignments.

My whole life I’ve been blessed with the gift of supernatural vision, meaning that God has always shown me visions in my mind as I’ve prayed, as I’ve entered into circumstances. He’s shown me, almost like clips from movies, faces, people, symbolism, and so on. And it’s been very frustrating for me at times, because in my mind I live in both the future and the present, and it can take years (decades) for vision to come to life. It can be difficult to enjoy the present when I wonder how the future will manifest. Or at times, if I’ve been given a warning, I have had to learn to temper myself to the vision and not wig out over making the wrong decisions. BUT vision is a gift, and God has shown me how the eagle’s vision allows it to see from 20 feet away where humans can only see from 5.

Isaiah 55 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The only way we are going to see with the vision of our Creator is to make space for him to reveal his mysteries and wisdom to us.

He’s got a specific strategy that he wants to unfold to you, if you’ll make time in his presence.

Enlargement is Imminent

Isaiah 54: 2 says, “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth…”

In other words, it’s time to prepare for the thing that God has placed inside of you.

In 2021, the Lord put it on my heart to put up signs all over my house that read:

“God is enlarging you.”

“God is enlarging my territory.”

“God is expanding us.”

“God is giving us greater reach.”

“God is restoring us.”

“We are fully restored, in the name of Jesus.”

I had these signs on mirrors, light switches, the walls, inside cabinets, inside closets, in the garage…everywhere! They were impossible to miss! As I’d walk through my home each day, I’d pass a sign and speak it out loud. It changed the entire atmosphere of my home. I began to look for enlargement in my family, business, friendships, and work. I literally plastered words of life and promise all over our house, and that’s mainly why I continue that in my office today. I can tell you, we were in lack when God gave me those words. I wasn’t seeing what I was saying, BUT IN THE SPIRIT, I saw all of that and more! In fact, God is continuing to unfold what he means when he says ENLARGEMENT. It’s BIGGER than BIG.

Owls Are Wise

O.W.L. Observe. Wait. and Listen. When he gives you a vision, don’t take off sprinting, unless he tells you to. Most times, he’s giving you a glimpse to encourage you to become the person he needs you to be to possess the promise. Think back to the Israelites in the wilderness. They had too much Egypt in them to make it right into their promised land. They had to be processed first. The same goes for you and me.

2 Timothy 2:20 says, “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

Jeremiah 33:3 (God’s telephone #) says, “CALL UNTO ME, and I WILL SHOW YOU great and mighty things that you don’t know.” You’re only gonna get what you need from time in his presence, in prayer and by waiting on the Lord to answer you and show you what you need to know.

Taking Possession

God is saying that it takes strategy to take your promised land. In Deuteronomy 1:7, it was GOD who told the Israelites to BREAK CAMP (to move out) and ADVANCE into the hill country of the Amorites. He told them, “See I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore he would give…”

You can be sure that if God told the Israelites when to advance, He will be faithful to tell us when and how. He is going to give you divine disclosure. Believe it! Your victory can only be found in and through Him in this hour.

I’m rooting for you!

Go make Him KNOWN,


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